
Strange Birds by Kelly Barnhill

Nerdy Book Club

“Once upon a time there was a sorcerer who disguised himself as a poor man, went begging from house to house, and captured beautiful girls. No one knew where he took them, for none of them ever returned.” - “Fletcher’s Bird,” a story from the Grimm Brothers “Once upon a time there was a sorcerer who disguised himself as a poor man, went begging from house to house, and captured beautiful girls. No one knew where he took them, for none of them ever returned.”
– “Fletcher’s Bird,” a story from the Grimm Brothers

When I was a little girl, once I actually started reading (which, for me, took a while; longer than most), I read fairy tales. Lots and lots and lots of fairy tales. I started with Grimm, of course, because that was what we had on the shelf. I have no idea which edition or translation it was, all I know is that our copy was so old that the covers disintegrated, and my dad had to re-bind the ancient pages himself, using an old checkerboard and a lot of duct tape. These were the stories he read to us, over and over, when…

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Editors’ Picks of the Year: Notable Reads on

Must read News

Our editors dove into the archives to resurface top posts published on this year, from personal essays to comics, and photography to fiction. Here’s a glimpse of what you published — and what the community especially loved — in 2014.

“Ever Wished That Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson Would Return to the Comics Page? Well, He Just Did,” Stephan Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

“Bill Watterson is the Bigfoot of cartooning,” writes comic artist Stephan Pastis of the legendary Calvin and Hobbes creator. This summer, Pastis collaborated — in secret — with Watterson. Their awesome idea: Watterson would silently step in and draw Pastis’ comic strip, Pearls Before Swine, for a few days, pretending to be a second grader. Pastis recounts the experience, offering a rare glimpse of Bigfoot.

Pearls Before Swine; Stephan Pastis; June 4, 2014.Pearls Before Swine; Stephan Pastis; June 4, 2014.

“No Apology,” Mehreen Kasana

I will apologize for ISIS when every…

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Longreads Best of 2014: Our 10 Most Popular Exclusives of the Year


This year, Longreads worked with a group of outstanding writers and publishers to produce original stories and exclusives that hadn’t been previously published online. It was all funded with support from our Longreads Members. You can read them all here.

Here’s a list of the 10 most popular stories we published this year. Join us to help fund more stories in 2015.

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Bijay kumar (lokanampriya) on The Tweeted Times!/lokanampriya




New Themes: Something Fishy and Blissful Blog

New Themes: Something Fishy and Blissful Blog.


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